little intro into my world
This is a new way for me to put off doing school work, jepordize my future, and create extra hassles in my life. That aside, I am a senior microbiology student who is just trying to jump through the last collegial hoops to graduate. I have been accepted to medical school so that is the plan for next year or two years from now if i decide to take one off. This all of course depends on making it through my classes and not killing myself with too much sweet necture of the gods (beer) on the weekends. The woman in my life is Jenn, an absolutely amazing and beautiful person who actually likes me.
God I hate spelling, next time I decide to do this stuff, I'll write everything out on word so spellcheck can swing in and rescue me. Anyways, I've been looking forward to medical school next year, its pretty exciting thinking that I actually am accepted and going. Surgury is my end goal that I hope to accomplish because I feel it fit my personality better then any other occupation. I have a somewhat short attention span not like a short current moment attention span ADD style but more of a short caring span. If I was taking care of someone with diabetes for 30 years, Id go nuts. Thats just way to long term for me, having someone come to me with a problem that I can fix practically immediately is quite a bit more attractive to me. For some sadistic reason, in my life I go out of my way to take the most difficult path possible heaping on extra work and just generally doing things the hard way. Take this very moment for instance, I SHOULD be studying spanish but I writing this blog deal. I have an exam on Tuesday and I barely know how to say hi let alone any cool vulgar frazes. The worst thing is this f-ing class is the last hoop of the above mentioned kind. Actually now that I have wordized some of what was going in my head, I believe that I created this site purely to vent my espanol frustration. So check this site often if you hate spanish (just the language not the people)...though Im not particularly fond of the Spanish since they are guilty by association with their language.